Call for Workshop Papers: Recent studies on information security solutions in the IoT


IoT, Network, Smart City, Cyber security, system attacks, privacy-preservation, Information security, confidentiality


1. Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies for identity management and access
control in IoT systems.
2. Machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches for anomaly detection, malware
detection, and intrusion prevention.
3. Privacy-enhancing technologies like homomorphic encryption, differential privacy, and
anonymous credentials for securing IoT data.
4. Hardware security solutions like trusted execution environments, secure element chips,
and hardware-based root of trust.
5. Secure software updates and code distribution for IoT devices.
6. Network authentication and authorization techniques like three-factor authentication and
attribute-based access control.
7. Vulnerability analysis and risk assessment of common IoT protocols like Zigbee,
Bluetooth, Z-Wave etc.
8. Communication security solutions for different layers – application, transport, network
and link layers.
9. Standardization efforts around security frameworks, architectures and protocols by
organizations like IETF, IEEE and ETSI.
10. Case studies of recent IoT attacks and breaches, and lessons learned.
11. Regulatory and compliance challenges for IoT security and privacy.
12. Usability and deployment challenges of implementing security in resource constrained
IoT environment. 

Paper Length

Short Paper: 6-11 pages or more
Regular/ Full Paper: 12- 20 pages or more

Important Dates of the Workshop Track
Paper Submission deadline: 31 July 2024
Notification deadline: 31 August 2024
Camera-ready deadline: 22 September 2024

Workshop Organizers

Mehdi Gheisari, Islamic Azad University, Iran, Shaoxing University, China , [email protected]
Dr Sabitha Banu A, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, [email protected]
Ahmad Rahdari, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, [email protected]
Shilpa Mehta, Auckland University, [email protected]
Zhongda Wu, Shaoxing University, China, [email protected]
Zhaoxi Fang, Shaoxing University, China, [email protected]

Workshop TPC Members

Qasim Rizvi, Guangzhou University, China, [email protected]
Mahdi Manavi, Univerisity of houston, [email protected]
Alisa A. Vorobeva, ITMO Russia, [email protected]