SaSeIoT 2015 |
Monday (October 26, 2015) - Keynote & Technical Sessions |
[08.30-08.45] |
Registration |
[08.45-09.00] |
Welcome! |
[09.00-10.30] |
Session I 09:00 Innovative TLS/DTLS Security Modules for IoT Applications: Concepts and Experiments Pascal Urien, Telecom ParisTech/Paris Saclay University, France 09:30 A Privacy Scheme for Monitoring Devices in the Internet of Things Zygmunt J. Haas (Cornell University, USA); Ashkan Yousefpour (University of Texas at Dallas, USA) 10:00 Controlled Android Application Execution for the IoT Infrastructure Michael N. Johnstone (Edith Cowan University, Australia); Zubair Baig (Edith Cowan University, Australia); Peter Hannay (Edith Cowan University, Australia); Clinton Carpene (Edith Cowan University, Australia); Malik Feroze (Edith Cowan University, Australia) |
[10.30-11.00] |
Coffee Break |
[11.00-12.00] |
11:00-12:00 Keynote I: Contract-Based Design Tailored to Safety Issues for Cyber-physical Systems Daniela Cancila, Atomic Energy Center CEA, France Abstract: From the USA to Europe, there is a crescendo of industrial and research interest in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). One distinguishing trait of CPS is that they integrate software control and decision making with signals from an uncertain and dynamic environment. CPS often involve heterogeneous and hierarchical systems, and their design makes extensive use of models. The Horizon 2020 program framework of the European Union devotes considerable attention to various challenges associated with developing, integrating and providing assurance concerning CPS. Moreover ,The H2020 program promotes the convergence between CPS and IoT.
This talk addresses contracts based design tailored to safety issues for CPS. One important and characteristic feature of CPS is the property of autonomy, i.e., “the system's ability of being sufficiently independent in controlling its own structural and behavioral properties”. Autonomy involves intelligent CPS being able to dynamically change their behavior. This property has an impact on satisfying safety-related requirements. These, in turn, play a crucial and leading role in critical CPS, where the design and the implementation must comply with strict safety norms. Contracts based design is a means to improve the design of CPS. Although there still no recognized standard to specify contracts and their use, contracts have recently been introduced in the AUTOSAR standard and in the Polarsys project. Their use concerns non-functional properties, modular certification and safety-related issues. CPS require collaborative engineering between teams having diverse backgrounds and different fields of expertise, and necessitate clearly defined interfaces between the different disciplines. Contracts are a means to structure such communications. In the meantime, we have witnessed an increase in the adoption of three dimensional tools to the reasoning, design and development of CPS. This talk includes an introduction and a demo of contracts into three dimensional views of CPS. |
[12.30-13.30] |
Lunch |
[13.30-15.00] |
Session II 13:30-15:00 13:30 Combined Danger Signal and Anomaly-Based Threat Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems Viktoriya Degeler (Airbus Group Innovations, United Kingdom); Richard French (Airbus Group Innovations, United Kingdom); Kevin Jones (Airbus Group Innovations, United Kingdom) 14:00 Performance Evaluation of Searchable Symmetric Encryption in Wireless Sensor Networks Cristina Munoz (University of Geneva, Switzerland); Lucas Rocci (University of Geneva, Switzerland); Eduardo Solana (University of Geneva, Switzerland); Pierre Leone (University of Geneva, Switzerland) 14:30 Secure Data Exchange Based on Social Networks Public Key Distribution Krzysztof Podlaski (University of Lodz, Poland); Artur Hlobaz (University of Lodz, Poland); Piotr Milczarski (University of Lodz, Poland) |
[15.00-15.30] |
Coffee Break |
[15.30-16.30] |
Keynote II: Security and Privacy in IoT Hakima Chaouchi, Institut Mines Telecom, EIT Digital, France Keynote Speech: Security and Privacy in Internet of Things From its first appearance the Internet of Things gathered since then different technologies, architectures, devices for different applications and services. The Internet of Things compared to the classic Internet will contain heterogeneous and huge number of devices/objects with specific functions such as sensing by Sensors, acting by actuators, identifying by identifiers such as RFID (Radio Frequency identification), and locating by localization systems such as GPS (Global Positioning Systems) or RTLS technologies (Real Time Localization Systems). In addition to those information acquisition technologies, the communication technologies; short or long range once will be necessary for the transmission of that information to servers/applications that will be able to process them and provide some decisions and actions. Other technologies such as robotics, and nanotechnologies might be involved in certain Internet of Things applications. In such heterogeneous environment, security issues will be more complex not only because of the huge number of devices but also because of the available processing memory , processing and battery resources scarcity, their heterogeneity but also the lack of standardization. Internet of Things is in an age where we spend lot of efforts around the object resources such as the memory, the processor and communication technology choice that is energy friendly and memory and processing friendly. The cloudification is seen as an immediate rescue of the object’s lack of resources, in that approach what about the security of that cloudified architecture? More generally, in this Internet of Things, someone can ask is my connected fridge responsible of that DoS attack on the bank ATM? Does my fridge giving without me know what my consumption habits are? Is my connected TV spying on the router of the network operator? Is my robot stilling my identity? Did my network send a wrong request to the connected pacemaker? Did my wardrobe talk to an unknown device giving information on my size, my favorite brand and how often do I wear my red shoes and on which occasion? We are talking about 12 billion devices already connected to form the first generation of Internet of things, counting connected cars, connected TVs, monitoring sensors…etc. We are expecting fifty billion of devices connected in the near future building the Internet of Things, but how are the current twelve billion devices secured and how ready will we be in this near future to ensure security in the Internet of Things? Are there new security threats related to those billion of devices/objects connected? Are we making the security mechanisms evolve or do we need a revolution in the security design of the Internet of Things? Finaly as physical objects in our everyday lives increasingly detect and share observations about us, consumers will likely continue to want privacy, how can we succeed in connecting those devices around the user and at the same time handle the privacy issue and how are those technologies accepted to enter in everyone’s life? This keynote will address different facets related to security and privacy in the current and envisioned Internet of things, it will provide the Internet of Things technological path and underlined security and privacy issues and will highlight different questions related to different application domains of Internet of Things such as health industry, smart energy, intelligent transport systems, smart cities, and automation in industrial internet of things. |
IOT360 |
Tuesday (October 27, 2015) - IoT360 Summit |
[08.30-09.00] |
Registration |
[09.00-10.30] |
Keynote Speakers |
[10.30-11.00] |
Coffee Break |
[11.00-12.30] |
National IoT Initiatives in Europe Overview national initiatives focusing on funding IoT related projects |
[12.30-13.30] |
Lunch |
[13.30-14.30] |
Perspectives on IoT Industry players and their approach to IoT |
[14.30-15.30] |
IOT & FUTURE CITIES Experts from cities, utilities, manufacturing, transport and other infrastructure providers will share what they successfully implemented and what plans they have for further optimizations. |
[15.30-16.00] |
Coffee Break |
[16.00-17.30] |
PRIVACY AND SAFETY Legal issues accruing from use of IoT, inform about existing and "future" legislation. |
[17.30-18.30] |
STANDARDISATION IN IOT Too many standards for IoT? |