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3rd EAI International Conference on Safety and Security in Internet of Things

October 26–27, 2016 | Paris, France

3rd EAI International Conference on Safety and Security in Internet of Things

October 27, Paris, France

Final Program


09:00 – 09:15

Welcome by Professor Hakima Chaouchi, Institut Mines Telecom, EIT Digital, France

9:15- 10:30      

Keynote :  Security and Privacy in Internet of Things


Morning (coffe)Break, Networking


Session I

10:45   Ali Hayek, Josef Börcsök, Samer Telawi and Christian Bieler. Adoption of Miniaturized Safety-Related Systems for Industrial Internet-of-Things Applications 


11:15   Ayman El Hajjar, George Roussos and Maura Paterson. On the Performance of Key Pre-distribution for RPL-based IoT Networks


11:45   Jian Wang. UML Modeling of Cross-layer Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks




Lunch Break, Networking


14:00 – 14:30

Invited Talk, Hakima Chaouchi on the European Alliance AIOTI



Session II 

14:30 Brian Cusack, Zhuang Tian and Ar Kar Kyaw. Identifying DOS and DDOS Attack Origin: IP Traceback Methods Comparison and Evaluation for IoT

15:00 Li Qiang, Yang Zeming, Jiang Zhengwei and Yan Jian. Framework of Cyber Attack Attribution Based on Threat Intelligence

15:30 Ausama Majeed and Adil Al-Yasiri. Formulating a Global Identifier Based on Actor Relationship for the Internet of Things

16:00 – 16:30

Afternoon Break, Networking


SASEIOT 2016 Best Paper Award sponsored by JSAN Journal